Directing David Ives' The Liar at Montgomery College.
October 23-27
Assistant Directed Prayer for the French Republic by Joshua Harmon at Theater J, directed by Artistic Director Hayley Finn
November 4-24
Directing Pippin for Walt Whitman High School, set as a giant birthday celebration, complete w/bouncy castle
February 20-22

I am a Jewish artist, educator, and activist/troublemaker based in the Washington, DC area, home of the Nacotchtank and Piscataway people, who still live here and steward the land. I challenge problematic artistic practices and interrogate what it means to create art and live a balanced life. This is an ongoing practice, and I work on it in every rehearsal room, audition room, classroom, and liminal space.
I grew up in Silver Spring, MD and developed a taste for pineapple juice, board games, and putting on plays. After studying Theatre, Dance, and Music at Cornell University, I returned to DC where I specialized in highly physical and comedic work. I helped to found Faction of Fools Theatre Company, a company devoted to adapting Commedia dell'Arte for modern audiences with productions like Romeo and Juliet, A Christmas Carol, and Our Town. I acted in and directed over twenty foolish plays and productions with them in addition to working all around town.
From 2015-2018, I had the great logistical and financial privelige of pursuing my MFA at Brown University/Trinity Rep's MFA Programs in Acting and Directing, where I studied acting, directing, playwriting, and producing. I also served as Artistic Director of "Romp Of Otters", Brown/Trinity's Graduate Theater Community.
Currently, in addition to working as an actor, director, and intimacy, fight, and movement choreographer, I run the theatre department at Walt Whitman High School, managing budgets of over 100k and over 600 theatre artists throughout a season. I teach at Montgomery College, Imagination Stage, Ford's Theatre, and more.
I currently live and work in the DMV with my wife and artistic partner-in-crime, Sarah, spitfire daughters Mira and Orly, our adorable papichon Covi, and, yes, a bookshelf full of board games.